목록 내에서 고유 한 값을 계산하는 방법
그래서 사용자에게 입력을 요청하고 값을 배열 / 목록에 저장하는이 프로그램을 만들려고합니다.
그런 다음 빈 줄을 입력하면 해당 값 중 몇 개가 고유한지 사용자에게 알려줍니다.
나는 이것을 문제 세트가 아닌 실제 삶의 이유로 구축하고 있습니다.
enter: happy
enter: rofl
enter: happy
enter: mpg8
enter: Cpp
enter: Cpp
There are 4 unique words!
내 코드는 다음과 같습니다.
# ask for input
ipta = raw_input("Word: ")
# create list
uniquewords = []
counter = 0
a = 0 # loop thingy
# while loop to ask for input and append in list
while ipta:
ipta = raw_input("Word: ")
counter = counter + 1
for p in uniquewords:
.. 그게 내가 지금까지 얻은 전부입니다.
목록에서 고유 한 단어 수를 계산하는 방법을 잘 모르겠습니까?
누군가가 해결책을 게시하여 내가 배울 수 있거나 적어도 그것이 얼마나 좋을지 보여줄 수 있다면 감사합니다!
또한 collections.Counter 를 사용 하여 코드를 리팩터링합니다.
from collections import Counter
words = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a']
Counter(words).keys() # equals to list(set(words))
Counter(words).values() # counts the elements' frequency
['a', 'c', 'b']
[2, 1, 1]
You can use a set to remove duplicates, and then the len function to count the elements in the set:
Use a set:
words = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a']
unique_words = set(words) # == set(['a', 'b', 'c'])
unique_word_count = len(unique_words) # == 3
Armed with this, your solution could be as simple as:
words = []
ipta = raw_input("Word: ")
while ipta:
ipta = raw_input("Word: ")
unique_word_count = len(set(words))
print "There are %d unique words!" % unique_word_count
values, counts = np.unique(words, return_counts=True)
For ndarray there is a numpy method called unique:
>>> np.unique([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
array([1, 2, 3])
>>> a = np.array([[1, 1], [2, 3]])
>>> np.unique(a)
array([1, 2, 3])
For a Series there is a function call value_counts():
ipta = raw_input("Word: ") ## asks for input
words = [] ## creates list
unique_words = set(words)
Although a set is the easiest way, you could also use a dict and use some_dict.has(key)
to populate a dictionary with only unique keys and values.
Assuming you have already populated words[]
with input from the user, create a dict mapping the unique words in the list to a number:
word_map = {}
i = 1
for j in range(len(words)):
if not word_map.has_key(words[j]):
word_map[words[j]] = i
i += 1
num_unique_words = len(new_map) # or num_unique_words = i, however you prefer
The following should work. The lambda function filter out the duplicated words.
input = raw_input("Word: ").strip()
while input:
input = raw_input("Word: ").strip()
uniques=reduce(lambda x,y: ((y in x) and x) or x+[y], inputs, [])
print 'There are', len(uniques), 'unique words'
I'd use a set myself, but here's yet another way:
uniquewords = []
while True:
ipta = raw_input("Word: ")
if ipta == "":
if not ipta in uniquewords:
print "There are", len(uniquewords), "unique words!"
ipta = raw_input("Word: ") ## asks for input
words = [] ## creates list
while ipta: ## while loop to ask for input and append in list
ipta = raw_input("Word: ")
#Create a set, sets do not have repeats
unique_words = set(words)
print "There are " + str(len(unique_words)) + " unique words!"
Other method by using pandas
import pandas as pd
LIST = ["a","a","c","a","a","v","d"]
counts,values = pd.Series(LIST).value_counts().values, pd.Series(LIST).value_counts().index
df_results = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(values,counts)),columns=["value","count"])
You can then export results in any format you want
bb=dict(zip(list(aa),[list(aa).count(i) for i in list(aa)]))
# output:
# {'X': 2, 'Y': 3, 'S': 1, 'B': 1, 'A': 2}
참고URL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12282232/how-do-i-count-unique-values-inside-a-list
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