developer tip

Run all of Xcode's “Fix-it”s at once

copycodes 2020. 9. 21. 07:52

Run all of Xcode's “Fix-it”s at once

After upgrading to Xcode 7, to support iOS 9, i have hundreds of fix-it errors and warnings. Is there a one push button to make Xcode run them all rather then individual going through them one by one?

There is actually a solution for this in Xcode 7.21's Editor menu.

enter image description here

This is the shortcut:


which is


1 This is the version I can confirm, might work in earlier versions as well.

XCode's "fix-it" isn't always reliable enough to make the changes that the code needs to run properly. Even if there was such a button, I wouldn't advise using it. The only thing I can think of to make it quicker to go through is to use: Navigate > Jump to Next Issue which would mean you wouldn't have to comb through the code to find all of the errors, Xcode would take you straight to them.

control - option - command - f


Fix All Issues button in Xcode 10.3


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