developer tip

포토샵은 두 이미지를 어떻게 혼합합니까?

copycodes 2020. 9. 23. 07:44

포토샵은 두 이미지를 어떻게 혼합합니까? [닫은]

내 응용 프로그램에서 동일한 효과를 재현 할 수 있도록 Photoshop에서 두 이미지를 혼합하는 방법을 누군가 설명해 주시겠습니까?

Photoshop은 이미지 B의 해당 픽셀에 대해 이미지 A의 각 픽셀에 대해 혼합 작업을 수행하여 두 이미지를 함께 혼합합니다. 각 픽셀은 여러 채널로 구성된 색상입니다. RGB 픽셀로 작업한다고 가정하면 각 픽셀의 채널은 빨간색, 녹색 및 파란색입니다. 두 픽셀을 혼합하기 위해 각각의 채널을 혼합합니다.

Photoshop의 각 혼합 모드에 대해 발생하는 혼합 작업은 다음 매크로로 요약 할 수 있습니다.

#define ChannelBlend_Normal(A,B)     ((uint8)(A))
#define ChannelBlend_Lighten(A,B)    ((uint8)((B > A) ? B:A))
#define ChannelBlend_Darken(A,B)     ((uint8)((B > A) ? A:B))
#define ChannelBlend_Multiply(A,B)   ((uint8)((A * B) / 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Average(A,B)    ((uint8)((A + B) / 2))
#define ChannelBlend_Add(A,B)        ((uint8)(min(255, (A + B))))
#define ChannelBlend_Subtract(A,B)   ((uint8)((A + B < 255) ? 0:(A + B - 255)))
#define ChannelBlend_Difference(A,B) ((uint8)(abs(A - B)))
#define ChannelBlend_Negation(A,B)   ((uint8)(255 - abs(255 - A - B)))
#define ChannelBlend_Screen(A,B)     ((uint8)(255 - (((255 - A) * (255 - B)) >> 8)))
#define ChannelBlend_Exclusion(A,B)  ((uint8)(A + B - 2 * A * B / 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Overlay(A,B)    ((uint8)((B < 128) ? (2 * A * B / 255):(255 - 2 * (255 - A) * (255 - B) / 255)))
#define ChannelBlend_SoftLight(A,B)  ((uint8)((B < 128)?(2*((A>>1)+64))*((float)B/255):(255-(2*(255-((A>>1)+64))*(float)(255-B)/255))))
#define ChannelBlend_HardLight(A,B)  (ChannelBlend_Overlay(B,A))
#define ChannelBlend_ColorDodge(A,B) ((uint8)((B == 255) ? B:min(255, ((A << 8 ) / (255 - B)))))
#define ChannelBlend_ColorBurn(A,B)  ((uint8)((B == 0) ? B:max(0, (255 - ((255 - A) << 8 ) / B))))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearDodge(A,B)(ChannelBlend_Add(A,B))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearBurn(A,B) (ChannelBlend_Subtract(A,B))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearLight(A,B)((uint8)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_LinearBurn(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_LinearDodge(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_VividLight(A,B) ((uint8)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_ColorBurn(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_ColorDodge(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_PinLight(A,B)   ((uint8)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_Darken(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_Lighten(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_HardMix(A,B)    ((uint8)((ChannelBlend_VividLight(A,B) < 128) ? 0:255))
#define ChannelBlend_Reflect(A,B)    ((uint8)((B == 255) ? B:min(255, (A * A / (255 - B)))))
#define ChannelBlend_Glow(A,B)       (ChannelBlend_Reflect(B,A))
#define ChannelBlend_Phoenix(A,B)    ((uint8)(min(A,B) - max(A,B) + 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Alpha(A,B,O)    ((uint8)(O * A + (1 - O) * B))
#define ChannelBlend_AlphaF(A,B,F,O) (ChannelBlend_Alpha(F(A,B),A,O))

단일 RGB 픽셀을 혼합하려면 다음을 수행합니다.

ImageTColorR = ChannelBlend_Glow(ImageAColorR, ImageBColorR); 
ImageTColorB = ChannelBlend_Glow(ImageAColorB, ImageBColorB);
ImageTColorG = ChannelBlend_Glow(ImageAColorG, ImageBColorG);

ImageTColor = RGB(ImageTColorR, ImageTColorB, ImageTColorG);

특정 불투명도로 블렌드 작업을 수행하려면 50 %라고합니다.

ImageTColorR = ChannelBlend_AlphaF(ImageAColorR, ImageBColorR, Blend_Subtract, 0.5F);

이미지 A, B 및 T (대상)에 대한 이미지 데이터에 대한 포인터가있는 경우 다음 매크로를 사용하여 세 채널 모두의 혼합을 단순화 할 수 있습니다.

#define ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,M)      (T)[0] = ChannelBlend_##M((A)[0], (B)[0]),
                                        (T)[1] = ChannelBlend_##M((A)[1], (B)[1]),
                                        (T)[2] = ChannelBlend_##M((A)[2], (B)[2])

다음 RGB 색상 혼합 매크로를 파생 할 수 있습니다.

#define ColorBlend_Normal(T,A,B)        (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Normal))
#define ColorBlend_Lighten(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Lighten))
#define ColorBlend_Darken(T,A,B)        (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Darken))
#define ColorBlend_Multiply(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Multiply))
#define ColorBlend_Average(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Average))
#define ColorBlend_Add(T,A,B)           (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Add))
#define ColorBlend_Subtract(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Subtract))
#define ColorBlend_Difference(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Difference))
#define ColorBlend_Negation(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Negation))
#define ColorBlend_Screen(T,A,B)        (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Screen))
#define ColorBlend_Exclusion(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Exclusion))
#define ColorBlend_Overlay(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Overlay))
#define ColorBlend_SoftLight(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,SoftLight))
#define ColorBlend_HardLight(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,HardLight))
#define ColorBlend_ColorDodge(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,ColorDodge))
#define ColorBlend_ColorBurn(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,ColorBurn))
#define ColorBlend_LinearDodge(T,A,B)   (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,LinearDodge))
#define ColorBlend_LinearBurn(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,LinearBurn))
#define ColorBlend_LinearLight(T,A,B)   (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,LinearLight))
#define ColorBlend_VividLight(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,VividLight))
#define ColorBlend_PinLight(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,PinLight))
#define ColorBlend_HardMix(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,HardMix))
#define ColorBlend_Reflect(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Reflect))
#define ColorBlend_Glow(T,A,B)          (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Glow))
#define ColorBlend_Phoenix(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Phoenix))

그리고 예는 다음과 같습니다.

ColorBlend_Glow(TargetPtr, ImageAPtr, ImageBPtr);

나머지 포토샵 블렌드 모드에는 RGB를 HLS로 변환 한 다음 다시 변환하는 작업이 포함됩니다.

#define ColorBlend_Hue(T,A,B)            ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueB,LuminationA,SaturationA)
#define ColorBlend_Saturation(T,A,B)     ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueA,LuminationA,SaturationB)
#define ColorBlend_Color(T,A,B)          ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueB,LuminationA,SaturationB)
#define ColorBlend_Luminosity(T,A,B)     ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueA,LuminationB,SaturationA)

#define ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,O1,O2,O3) {
    float64 HueA, LuminationA, SaturationA;
    float64 HueB, LuminationB, SaturationL;
    Color_RgbToHls((A)[2],(A)[1],(A)[0], &HueA, &LuminationA, &SaturationA);
    Color_RgbToHls((B)[2],(B)[1],(B)[0], &HueB, &LuminationB, &SaturationB);

이 함수는 RGB를 HLS로 변환하는 데 유용합니다.

int32 Color_HueToRgb(float64 M1, float64 M2, float64 Hue, float64 *Channel)
    if (Hue < 0.0)
        Hue += 1.0;
    else if (Hue > 1.0)
        Hue -= 1.0;

    if ((6.0 * Hue) < 1.0)
        *Channel = (M1 + (M2 - M1) * Hue * 6.0);
    else if ((2.0 * Hue) < 1.0)
        *Channel = (M2);
    else if ((3.0 * Hue) < 2.0)
        *Channel = (M1 + (M2 - M1) * ((2.0F / 3.0F) - Hue) * 6.0);
        *Channel = (M1);

    return TRUE;

int32 Color_RgbToHls(uint8 Red, uint8 Green, uint8 Blue, float64 *Hue, float64 *Lumination, float64 *Saturation)
    float64 Delta;
    float64 Max, Min;
    float64 Redf, Greenf, Bluef;

    Redf    = ((float64)Red   / 255.0F);
    Greenf  = ((float64)Green / 255.0F);
    Bluef   = ((float64)Blue  / 255.0F); 

    Max     = max(max(Redf, Greenf), Bluef);
    Min     = min(min(Redf, Greenf), Bluef);

    *Hue        = 0;
    *Lumination = (Max + Min) / 2.0F;
    *Saturation = 0;

    if (Max == Min)
        return TRUE;

    Delta = (Max - Min);

    if (*Lumination < 0.5)
        *Saturation = Delta / (Max + Min);
        *Saturation = Delta / (2.0 - Max - Min);

    if (Redf == Max)
        *Hue = (Greenf - Bluef) / Delta;
    else if (Greenf == Max)
        *Hue = 2.0 + (Bluef - Redf) / Delta;
        *Hue = 4.0 + (Redf - Greenf) / Delta;

    *Hue /= 6.0; 

    if (*Hue < 0.0)
        *Hue += 1.0;       

    return TRUE;

int32 Color_HlsToRgb(float64 Hue, float64 Lumination, float64 Saturation, uint8 *Red, uint8 *Green, uint8 *Blue)
    float64 M1, M2;
    float64 Redf, Greenf, Bluef;

    if (Saturation == 0)
        Redf    = Lumination;
        Greenf  = Lumination;
        Bluef   = Lumination;
        if (Lumination <= 0.5)
            M2 = Lumination * (1.0 + Saturation);
            M2 = Lumination + Saturation - Lumination * Saturation;

        M1 = (2.0 * Lumination - M2);

        Color_HueToRgb(M1, M2, Hue + (1.0F / 3.0F), &Redf);
        Color_HueToRgb(M1, M2, Hue, &Greenf);
        Color_HueToRgb(M1, M2, Hue - (1.0F / 3.0F), &Bluef);

    *Red    = (uint8)(Redf * 255);
    *Blue   = (uint8)(Bluef * 255);
    *Green  = (uint8)(Greenf * 255);

    return TRUE;

이 주제에 대한 더 많은 리소스는 주로 다음과 같습니다.

  1. PegTop 블렌드 모드
  2. 법의학 포토샵
  3. Photoshop 7.0 혼합 모드에 대한 통찰력
  4. SF-기본-혼합 모드
  5. 블렌드 모드 완료
  6. Romz 블로그
  7. ReactOS RGB-HLS 변환 기능

이 답변의 색조, 색상, 채도 혼합 모드가 잘못되었습니다. Adobe 제품은 HSB로 변환되지 않으며 RGB 값에서 직접 작업을 수행합니다.

다음은 광도 설정을위한 GLSL입니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.

float lum(vec4 color)
    return ((0.3 * color.r) + (0.59 * color.g) + (0.11 * color.b));

vec4 clipColor(vec4 color)
    vec4 newColor=color;
    float l=lum(color);
    float n=min(min(color.r,color.g),color.b);
    float x=max(max(color.r,color.g),color.b);

    newColor.r=(n<0.0) ? l+(((color.r-l)*l)/(l-n)) : color.r;
    newColor.r=(x>1.0) ? l+(((color.r-l)*(1.0-l))/(x-l)) : color.r;

    newColor.g=(n<0.0) ? l+(((color.g-l)*l)/(l-n)) : color.g;
    newColor.g=(x>1.0) ? l+(((color.g-l)*(1.0-l))/(x-l)) : color.g;

    newColor.b=(n<0.0) ? l+(((color.b-l)*l)/(l-n)) : color.b;
    newColor.b=(x>1.0) ? l+(((color.b-l)*(1.0-l))/(x-l)) : color.b;

    return clamp(newColor,0.0,1.0);

vec4 setlum(vec4 color, float l)
    float d=l-lum(color);

    return clipColor(color);    

kernel vec4 blendLuminosity(sampler topimage, sampler bottomimage)
    vec4 base=sample(bottomimage, samplerCoord(bottomimage));
    vec4 blend=sample(topimage, samplerCoord(topimage));

    float bl=lum(blend);
    return setlum(base,bl);

No support for if .. else statements in CIKernels, hence the use of ternary operators.

The popular answer is 99.9% correct, but as Greyfriars said, it won't get the exact result because Adobe doesn't use HLS any moment in the blending.

But you don't need to be working at Adobe in order to do that... you can reach exactly the same blending following all the rules here in this document from Adobe:

basically chapters 4 and 7:

Then you will reach the exact result just like Adobe does! Pixel by Pixel!

While the popular answer is mostly correct, the following statement is wrong. "The remainder of the photoshop blend modes involve converting RGB to HLS and back again." No, Photoshop (and only Photoshop) uses Chroma and Luma instead of HLS.

So for Hue, Color, Luminosity and Saturation modes, you can't use simple algorithms. To match Photoshop's method in these cases, you need to be working for Adobe.

참고URL :
