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유니 코드 한자의 전체 범위는 무엇입니까?

copycodes 2020. 9. 24. 07:59

유니 코드 한자의 전체 범위는 무엇입니까?

U + 4E00..U + 9FFF는 전체 세트의 일부이지만 전부는 아닙니다.

CJK 유니 코드 FAQ ( "중국어, 일본어 및 한국어"문자 포함)를 통해 전체 목록을 찾을 수 있습니다.

" 동아시아 문자 "문서는 다음과 같이 언급합니다.

한 표어를 포함하는 블록

한 표의 문자는 표 12-2에 표시된대로 유니 코드 표준의 5 개 주요 블록에 있습니다.

표 12-2. 한 표어를 포함하는 블록

Block                                   Range       Comment
CJK Unified Ideographs                  4E00-9FFF   Common
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A      3400-4DBF   Rare
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B      20000-2A6DF Rare, historic
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C      2A700–2B73F Rare, historic
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D      2B740–2B81F Uncommon, some in current use
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E      2B820–2CEAF Rare, historic
CJK Compatibility Ideographs            F900-FAFF   Duplicates, unifiable variants, corporate characters
CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement 2F800-2FA1F Unifiable variants

참고 : 블록 범위는 시간이 지남에 따라 발전 할 수 있습니다. 최신 정보는 CJK Unified Ideographs에 있습니다.

Wikipedia 참조 :

유니 코드에는 현재 74605 CJK 문자가 있습니다. CJK 문자에는 중국어에서 사용되는 문자뿐만 아니라 일본어 한자, 한자, 베트남어 Chu Nom도 포함 됩니다. 일부 CJK 문자는 중국어 문자가 아닙니다 .

1) CJK Unified Ideographs 블록 의 20941 자 .

코드 포인트 U + 4E00 ~ U + 9FCC.

  1. U + 4E00-U + 62FF
  2. U + 6300-U + 77FF
  3. U + 7800-U + 8CFF
  4. U + 8D00-U + 9FCC

2) CJKUI Ext A 블록 의 6582 자 .

코드 포인트 U + 3400 ~ U + 4DB5 . 유니 코드 3.0 (1999).

3) CJKUI Ext B 블록 의 42711 자 .

코드 포인트 U + 20000 ~ U + 2A6D6. 유니 코드 3.1 (2001).

  1. U + 20000-U + 215FF
  2. U + 21600-U + 230FF
  3. U + 23100-U + 245FF
  4. U + 24600-U + 260FF
  5. U + 26100-U + 275FF
  6. U + 27600-U + 290FF
  7. U + 29100-U + 2A6DF

3) CJKUI Ext C 블록 의 4149 자 .

코드 포인트 U + 2A700 ~ U + 2B734 . 유니 코드 5.2 (2009).

4) CJKUI Ext D 블록 에서 222 자 .

코드 포인트 U + 2B740 ~ U + 2B81D . 유니 코드 6.0 (2010).

5) CJKUI Ext E 블록.

곧 출시

위의 내용이 스파게티가 아닌 경우 알려진 문제를 살펴보세요 . 재미 =)

중국어 문자 (확장자 제외) 의 정확한 범위 [\u2E80-\u2FD5\u3190-\u319f\u3400-\u4DBF\u4E00-\u9FCC\uF900-\uFAAD].

  1. [\u2e80-\u2fd5]

CJK Radicals Supplement is a Unicode block containing alternative, often positional, forms of the Kangxi radicals. They are used headers in dictionary indices and other CJK ideograph collections organized by radical-stroke.

  1. [\u3190-\u319f]

Kanbun is a Unicode block containing annotation characters used in Japanese copies of classical Chinese texts, to indicate reading order.

  1. [\u3400-\u4DBF]

CJK Unified Ideographs Extension-A is a Unicode block containing rare Han ideographs.

  1. [\u4E00-\u9FCC]

CJK Unified Ideographs is a Unicode block containing the most common CJK ideographs used in modern Chinese and Japanese.

  1. [\uF900-\uFAAD]

CJK Compatibility Ideographs is a Unicode block created to contain Han characters that were encoded in multiple locations in other established character encodings, in addition to their CJK Unified Ideographs assignments, in order to retain round-trip compatibility between Unicode and those encodings.

For the details please refer to here, and the extensions are provided in other answers.

Unicode version 11.0.0

In Unicode the Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) scripts share a common background, collectively known as CJK characters.

These ranges often contain non-assigned or reserved code points(suck as U+2E9A , U+2EF4 - 2EFF),

Chinese characters

bottom  top     reference(also have a look at wiki page)    block name
4E00    9FEF CJK Unified Ideographs
3400    4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
20000   2A6DF    CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
2A700   2B73F    CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
2B740   2B81F    CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
2B820   2CEAF    CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
2CEB0   2EBEF   CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F
3007    3007    in block CJK Symbols and Punctuation
  • In CJK Unified Ideographs block, I notice many answers use upper bound 9FCC, but U+9FCD(鿍) is indeed a chinese char. And all characters in this block are Chinese characters(also used in Japanese or Korean etc.).
  • Most of characters in CJK Unified Ideograohs Ext (Except Ext F, only 17% in Ext F are chinese characters), are traditional chinese characters, which are rarely used in China.
  • 〇 is the chinese character form of zero and still in use today

Therefore the range is


CJK characters but never used in chinese

They are Common Han used only for compatibility.

It is almost impossible to see them appear in any chinese book, article , writings etc.

all characters here has one corresponding glyph-identical chinese characters. Such as 金(U+F90A) and 金(U+91D1), they are identical in Glyph.

 F900    FAFF  CJK Compatibility Ideographs
2F800   2FA1F CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement

CJK related symbols

2E80    2EFF CJK Radicals Supplement

2F00    2FDF Kangxi Radicals 
2FF0    2FFF    Ideographic Description Character
3000    303F    CJK Symbols and Punctuation
3100    312f    Bopomofo
31A0    31BF    Bopomofo Extended
31C0    31EF CJK Strokes
3200    32FF    Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
3300    33FF    CJK Compatibility
FE30    FE4F    CJK Compatibility Forms
FF00    FFEF    Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
1F200   1F2FF   Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
  • some blocks such as Hangul Compatibility Jamo are abandoned because of no relation to Chinese.
  • Kangxi Radicals is not Chinese characters, it's graphical component of a Chinese charaters, it are used specially to express radicals, .e.g. ⼻(U+2F3B) and 彳(U+5F73), ⻜(U+2EDC) and 飞 (U+98DE)

Other common punctuation appears in chinese

This is a wide range, some punctuation maybe never used, some punctuations such as ……”“ are used so much in chinese.

0000    007F    C0 Controls and Basic Latin 
2000    206F    General Punctuation

There are also many chinese-related symbols, such as Yijing Hexagram Symbols or Kanbun, but it's off-topic anyway. I write non-chinese-characters in CJK to have a better explaination of what are chinese characters. And ranges above already covers almost all of chars appear in Chinese writing except math and other specialty notation.


CJK Symbols and Punctuation

 、。〃〄々〆〇〈〉《》「」『』【】〒〓〔〕〖〗〘〙〚〛〜〝〞〟〠〡〢〣〤〥〦〧〨〩〪〭〮〯〫〬〰〱〲〳〴〵〶〷〸〹〺〻〼〽 〾 〿

Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms

!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~⦅⦆。「」、・ヲァィゥェォャュョッーアイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワン゙゚ᄀᄁᆪᄂᆬᆭᄃᄄᄅᆰᆱᆲᆳᆴᆵᄚᄆᄇᄈᄡᄉᄊᄋᄌᄍᄎᄏᄐᄑ하ᅢᅣᅤᅥᅦᅧᅨᅩᅪᅫᅬᅭᅮᅯᅰᅱᅲᅳᅴᅵ¢£¬ ̄¦¥₩│←↑→↓■○


  1. (in chinese language, notice the right side bar)
  2. (notice the bottom table)

The Unicode code blocks that the others answers gave certainly cover most of the Chinese Unicode characters, but check out some of these other code blocks, too.


See my fuller discussion here. And this site is convenient for browsing Unicode.

To summarize, it sounds like these are them:

var blocks = [
  [0x3400, 0x4DB5],
  [0x4E00, 0x62FF],
  [0x6300, 0x77FF],
  [0x7800, 0x8CFF],
  [0x8D00, 0x9FCC],
  [0x2e80, 0x2fd5],
  [0x3190, 0x319f],
  [0x3400, 0x4DBF],
  [0x4E00, 0x9FCC],
  [0xF900, 0xFAAD],
  [0x20000, 0x215FF],
  [0x21600, 0x230FF],
  [0x23100, 0x245FF],
  [0x24600, 0x260FF],
  [0x26100, 0x275FF],
  [0x27600, 0x290FF],
  [0x29100, 0x2A6DF],
  [0x2A700, 0x2B734],
  [0x2B740, 0x2B81D]

참고URL :
