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자바 프로그래밍-SQL 문을 어디에 저장해야합니까?

copycodes 2020. 8. 18. 07:49

자바 프로그래밍-SQL 문을 어디에 저장해야합니까? [닫은]

JDBC 호환 응용 프로그램은 SQL 문을 어디에 저장해야하며 그 이유는 무엇입니까?

지금까지 다음 옵션을 확인했습니다.

  • 비즈니스 객체에 하드 코딩 됨
  • 에 포함 된 SQLJ의
  • 별도의 클래스 (예 : 데이터 액세스 개체)로 캡슐화
  • 메타 데이터 기반 (데이터 스키마에서 개체 스키마 분리-메타 데이터에서 개체 스키마 간의 매핑 설명)
  • 외부 파일 (예 : 속성 또는 리소스 파일)
  • 저장 프로 시저

각각의“장점”과“단점”은 무엇입니까?

SQL 코드는 "코드"또는 "메타 데이터"로 간주되어야합니까?

저장 프로시 저는 성능 최적화를 위해서만 사용해야합니까? 아니면 데이터베이스 구조의 합법적 인 추상화입니까?

성능이 결정의 핵심 요소입니까? 무엇에 대해 공급 업체에 종속 ?

더 나은 것은 무엇입니까-느슨한 결합 또는 단단한 결합 및 그 이유는 무엇입니까?

편집 됨 : 답변 해주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 요약은 다음과 같습니다.

메타 데이터 기반 즉, 객체 관계형 매핑 (ORM)

장점 :

  • 매우 추상적-모델 변경없이 DB 서버 전환 가능
  • 광범위-실질적인 표준
  • 필요한 SQL의 양을 줄입니다.
  • 리소스 파일에 SQL 저장 가능
  • 성능은 (일반적으로) 허용 가능합니다.
  • 메타 데이터 기반 접근 방식
  • (데이터베이스) 공급 업체 독립성

단점 :

  • SQL 및 진정한 개발자 의도를 숨 깁니다.
  • DBA가 검토 / 변경하기 어려운 SQL
  • 이상한 경우에는 SQL이 여전히 필요할 수 있습니다.
  • 독점 쿼리 언어 (예 : HQL)를 강제로 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • 최적화 (추상화)에 적합하지 않음
  • 참조 무결성이 부족할 수 있습니다.
  • SQL 지식 부족 또는 DB의 코드 작성에 대한주의 부족을 대체합니다.
  • 기본 데이터베이스 성능과 일치하지 않음 (가까워 지더라도)
  • 모델 코드는 데이터베이스 모델과 매우 밀접하게 결합되어 있습니다.

DAO 레이어에서 하드 코딩 / 캡슐화 됨

장점 :

  • SQL은 데이터에 액세스하는 객체에 보관됩니다 (캡슐화).
  • SQL은 작성하기 쉽습니다 (개발 속도).
  • SQL은 변경이 필요할 때 쉽게 추적 할 수 있습니다.
  • 간단한 솔루션 (복잡한 아키텍처 없음)

단점 :

  • SQL은 DBA가 검토 / 변경할 수 없습니다.
  • SQL은 DB 전용이 될 가능성이 높습니다.
  • SQL 유지 관리가 어려워 질 수 있음

저장 프로 시저

장점 :

  • 데이터베이스에 보관 된 SQL (데이터에 가깝게)
  • SQL은 DBMS에 의해 구문 분석, 컴파일 및 최적화됩니다.
  • SQL은 DBA가 검토 / 변경하기 쉽습니다.
  • 네트워크 트래픽 감소
  • 보안 강화

단점 :

  • SQL이 데이터베이스에 연결됨 (공급 업체 잠금)
  • SQL 코드는 유지하기가 더 어렵습니다.

외부 파일 (예 : 속성 또는 리소스 파일)


  • 애플리케이션을 다시 빌드 할 필요없이 SQL을 변경할 수 있습니다.
  • 애플리케이션 비즈니스 로직에서 SQL 로직 분리
  • Central repository of all SQL statements – easier to maintain
  • Easier to understand


  • SQL code can become un-maintainable
  • Harder to check the SQL code for (syntax) errors

Embedded in SQLJ clauses


  • Better syntax checking


  • Ties too closely to Java
  • Lower performance than JDBC
  • Lack of dynamic queries
  • Not so popular

Usually, the more the application grows in terms of size and/or reusability, the more the need is to externalize/abstractize the SQL statements.

Hardcoded (as static final constants) is the first step. Stored in a file (properties/xml file) is the next step. Metadata driven (as done by an ORM like Hibernate/JPA) is the last step.

Hardcoded has the disadvantage that your code is likely to become DB-specific and that you need to rewrite/rebuild/redistribute on every change. Advantage is that you have it in 1 place.

Stored in a file has the disadvantage that it can become unmaintainable when the application grows. Advantage is that you don't need to rewrite/rebuild the app, unless you need to add an extra DAO method.

Metadata driven has the disadvantage that your model code is very tight coupled with the database model. For every change in the database model you'll need to rewrite/rebuild/redistribute code. Advantage is that it is very abstract and that you can easily switch from DB server without the need to change your model (but ask yourself now: how often would a company switch from DB server? likely at least only once per 3 years, isn't it?).

I won't call stored procedures a "good" solution for this. They have an entirely different purpose. Even though, your code would be dependent on the DB / configuration used.

I don't know if this is optimal, but in my experience they end up hardcoded (i.e. String literals) in the DAO layer.

I don't think anyone will give you the pro/con break down you want as it is a rather large question. So instead here is what I've used in the past, and what I will be using going forward.

I use to use SQL hardcoded in the DAL. I thought this was fine until the DBAs wanted to play with the SQL. Then you have to dig it out, format it and fire it over to the DBAs. Who will laugh at it and replace it all. But without the nice question marks, or the question marks in the wrong order and leave you to stick it back in the Java code.

We have also used a ORM, and while this is great for developers our DBAs hated it as there is no SQL for them to laugh at. We also used a odd ORM (a custom one from 3rd party supplier) which had a habit of killing the database. I've used JPA since and was great, but getting anything complicated using it past the DBAs is a up hill battle.

We now use Stored Procedures (with the call statement hardcoded). Now the first thing everyone will complain about is that you are tied to the database. You are. However how often have you changed database? I know for a fact that we simply could not even attempt it, the amount of other code dependent on it plus retraining our DBAs plus migrating the data. It would be a very expensive operation. However if in your world changing DBs at a drop of a hat is required SPs are likely out.

Going forward I would like to use stored procedures with code generation tools to create Java classes from Oracle packages.

Edit 2013-01-31: A few years and DBAs later and we now use Hibernate, going to SQL (stored procs in the DB) only when absolutely required. This I think is the best solution. 99% of the times the DBs don't need to worry about the SQL, and the 1% they do it is in a place they are already comfortable with.

By using an ORM (such as hibernate) you hopefully will have no SQL statements to worry about. Performance is usually acceptable and you get vendor independence as well.

Should SQL code be considered “code” or “metadata”?


Should stored procedures be used only for performance optimization or they are a legitimate abstraction of the database structure?

Stored procedures allow for reuse, including inside of other stored procedures. This means that you can make one trip to the database & have it execute supporting instructions - the least amount of traffic is ideal. ORM or sproc, the time on the wire going to the db & back is something you can't recoup.

ORM doesn't lend itself to optimization because of its abstraction. IME, ORM also means a lack of referencial integrity - make a database difficult to report from. What was saved in complexity, has now increased to be able to get the data out in a workable fashion.

Is performance a key factor the decision? What about vendor lock-in?

No, simplicity is. Vendor lockin happens with the database as well - SQL is relatively standardized, but there are still vendor specific ways of doing things.

The fear of vendor lock-in in the java world is interesting.

I hope you haven't paid $50000 pr CPU for Oracle Enterprise, and then only used the least common denominator in order to switch to Mysql any minute. As any good DBA will tell you, there are subtle differences between the different big name databases, especially with regard to locking models and how they achieve consistency.

So, don't make a decision on how to implement your SQL calls only based on the principle of vendor agnostic SQL - have a real (business) reason for doing so.

SQL inside Stored Procedures is optimized by the database system and compiled for speed - that's its natural home. SQL is understood by the database system, parsed by the database system. Keep your SQL in the database if you can; wrap it in stored procedures or functions or whatever units of logic the database system provides, and make simple calls to it using any one of the tools you or anybody else has mentioned.

Why store SQL code for the database system outside the db? Often for speed of development. Why use ORM mapping? - Some say ORM mapping provides compatibility across different database systems; however rarely in the real world does an application ever shift away from the database platform upon it was built especially when it starts using advanced features like replication, and for the rare occasion it does happen that the database system is swapped out, some work is warranted. I believe one of ORM's drawbacks it often substitutes for lack of SQL knowledge or lack of care to code in the db. Also ORM will never match native database performance even if it comes close.

I'm standing on the side of keeping SQL code in the database and making simple calls to it through any API or interface you wish to use. Also abstract away the point at which your database calls are made by putting those calls behind an abstract class or OO interface (expressed by methods), so if you ever do swap in a new kind of data source it will be seamless to the business layer.

The only question you ask that has a definite answer is "Is SQL code or metadata?" It is most definitely code and as such should be kept in some kind of source code control and have a system for easily updating to the latest version and rolling back when not if things go wrong.

I've seen three ways of doing SQL in an application and each has their pros & cons. There is no best way, but the best thing is just pick one that works well with your application and stick with it.

  • ORM - this cuts down on the amount of SQL you need to write and handles lots of details for you. You will need to do some custom SQL. Make sure you have an ORM that handles this gracefully.
  • Data Access Objects - keep the SQL in the objects that access the data. This encapsulates your database and makes it so the rest of your application doesn't need to know about the underlying DB structure, just the interface to these objects.
  • Stored Procedures - this keeps all your SQL in your database and makes it easy for your DBA's to know what is going on. All you need to do is have your code call the stored procs

We happen to use the iBatis SQL mapper, which is closer to the metal than ORMs like Hibernate. In iBatis you put the SQL statements into resource files (XML), which need to be in the classpath.

Your list of approaches seems pretty comprehensive if you add @ocdecio's ORM option. I would say that using an ORM and using an SQL mapper and resource files are the two best approaches. I'd steer clear from SQLJ, which hasn't seen much uptake and ties you too closely to Java. Also stay away from stored procedures, since they tie you to a specific database vendor (standards are almost non-existent for stored procedures).

Like most of us, I've seen the whole gammut but we need to consider SQL a first-class language. I've even seen SQL stored in the DB that is pulled down then executed back up.

The most successful systems I've seen employ stored procedures, functions and views.

Stored procs keep the SQL text back at the DB and allow for relatively immediate change by those DEPLOYING and CUSTOMIZING (which requires a lot of proper design to support it).

All projections should be via views and simple selects for the same reasons, all projection logic should be contained within the view.

I suggest using DAOs with a factory layout. So the example objects you need would be:

public class CoolBusinessObject
public class
public implementation CoolBusinessOjectDAO
public class CoolBusinessOjectDAOOracleImpl implements CoolBusinessOjectDAO

This style layers the data interaction, so you should only have to change one layer of code if you switch databases, or move to ORM technologies.

There isn't really any substantial difference between these three:

  1. Hardcoded in business objects
  2. Embedded in SQLJ clauses
  3. Encapsulate in separate classes e.g. Data Access Objects

I'm assuming that you're going to embed SQL code in a string form directly into your Java code. While 1 and 3 will probably use JDBC directly (or some tool like Apache DbUtils), 2 adds a preprocessor technology to the stack, generating the relevant JDBC code prior to compilation.

So, essentially, if these solutions involve embedding SQL, you might as well use any of these technologies:

  • JPA Criteria API, modelling JPQL as an internal domain-specific language in Java
  • jOOQ, modelling SQL as an internal domain-specific language in Java

There might also be other tools to help you embed SQL in Java in a more typesafe manner than through SQLJ or through actual string concatenation.

From what experience , I have had, hard coding sql statements in the DAO objects is what is widely used, though , I think it should be the least preferred method. The best practice should be to store the sql statements in a properties file. And get the statements in the DAO object through an interface to properties files, say java.util.Properties. The sql statements can be interspersed with '?'s to pass parameters , through a Prepared Statement approach.

Such an approach helps decouple the sql logic from the application business logic. This makes available a central repository of all sql statements , which makes modification easier, eliminating the need to search for database statements within application logic.Understandability improves too.

Mine end up in resource bundles. I know it's not normal but it's the easiest for me and anyone "other than me" to maintain. It's straightforward and logical.

I'm actually curious to see if anyone uses my approach also.

As a rexem wrote SQL statments are code - they should be treated like code, not externalized (unles you have good reason) but placed with code that process SQL data from/to that statements. Todays framework ORMs/iBatis offer a lot of simplifications for day-to-day JDBC development.

Some answers to your question you'll find in this question:) The problem how your SQL statments will be stored depends of king of your application. What are your needs? High security, ease of writing code or maintenance, crossplatform or vendor lock-in? The next question do you need pure SQL or ORM framework will be good?

* Hardcoded in business objects
* Encapsulate in separate classes e.g. Data Access Objects

Simplest solution (P), hard to maintain (C)

* Embedded in SQLJ clauses

Beter syntax checking (P), lack od dynamic queries (C), lower perfomance than JDBC (C), no so popular (C)

* Metadata driven (decouple the object schema from the data schema - describe the mappings between them in metadata)

It must be specific case you should do that (C) or if you mean ORM (P) ;)

* External files (e.g. Properties or Resource files)

Easy to mantain (P) but harder to check for errors (C)

* Stored Procedures

High secuirty (P), code hard to mantain an vendor lock-in problems (C)

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